
All important about Krétakör.

Basic information: Separate fact sheets contain the most important information about Krétakör’s projects, artists and the venues where these projects were presented.

Texts: Many types of texts are available, written by both creators and by spectators. Our goal is to share everything we have. Not only reviews and program offers but original scripts, longer analyses, reports and important correspondences are all accessible here. And that is not all. One of the things that makes this archives so unique is that it contains the rehearsal journals of Árpád Schilling and the director’s copy of the scripts of Hamlet and The Seagull, written between the mid-1990s and 2007.

Every text is available in the original language of publication. Some of the texts were translated. In these cases we indicate the original title at the bottom.

Images: You can find photographs, posters and visual designs that document our productions, the programs we organized and our work backstage. We uploaded some photos of the productions that were directed by Árpád Schilling in other theatres.

Videos: The full lenght video recordings of all of our projects are available. Furthermore, you can find a lot of videos about the preparation of our projects, about our education and community development programs, our public life actions and the events we organized.

Publications: These include the texts and the original display of program booklets, leaflets, flyers about Krétakör and the institutions that presented our projects. You can even turn the pages of longer pamphlets. In case of materials published by other organizations, we only share the sections that refer to Krétakör.

Voice recordings: Here you can find the music of our performances as well as radio interviews.

Awards: These are awards received by Krétakör or its artists and contributors.

Venues: These are places where performances or projects were first presented or where they were made. You can check the location of these venues on the map and even navigate further if the venue has its own website.

You can enter almost any keywords, there are only a few rules you should keep in mind. These are the following:

  • You have to write something in the search field in order to get any results. (This means for example, that you cannot ask for all the photos or videos without a keyword.)

  • Length: The search has a minimum character limit of 3 characters. It shows no results for shorter search terms. There are two exceptions. If you search for ‘W’ or ‘+1’, you will get results, since each one of these are titles of our projects. If we’ll have more projects with such short titles in the future, we will add them to the exceptions.

  • “ ”: Quotation marks can be used to search for an exact phrase. For example, “Crisis Trilogy”. In this case, you will only see results where the words within quotation marks appear together and in the same order. The search engine is not case sensitive.

  • The search engine is not case sensitive.

  • If you type in a word but without the correct accent marks, you will still get results. For example, if you type in ‘arpad’, you will get all the results containing the word ‘Árpád’.


Although we are aiming for completeness, there must be many texts, pictures, videos or recordings that missed our attention. If you have such material in your possession, send it to us so that we can improve the database by making it more complete.

(This is where to send it: